Garden Tours Local Events


Thanksgiving Point Idea Garden
Mismatched tulip

Why not? I so often feel like that conspicuous tulip! Must remember to just roll with it!

After a totally wild weekend, I am back from the SNAP! Creativity Conference. What an exhausting but wonderful couple of days! I have promised to get a post up about terrarium basics and will try and make that happen tomorrow. Between the SNAP! Conference, a local political convention over the weekend (at which my friend, Mia, was nominated to be the Republican candidate for US Congress), and Earth Day Activities which were celebrated Monday, I’ve been a little overwhelmed!

Thanksgiving Point

Main walk at Thanksgiving Point Idea Gardens

I’ll post more about the conference, the cool stuff I got and the “Garden of Eden” style venue offered by the incomparable Thanksgiving Point later in the week. I’ve also been privileged to be able to interview one of my favorite authors and the undisputed Queen of succulents, Debra Baldwin. She’ll answer some of the questions the ladies at SNAP! wanted to know about succeeding with succulents. In the mean time, I’ll taunt you with a few photos!

I didn’t get a chance to head over to the Botanical Garden @ Thanksgiving Point during the Conference but I shall remedy that this week.  Might even check the kids out of school early and go assuage my “Mom Guilt” for being totally MIA for the past 4 days!


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