Welcome Vege Nag!

Welcome Vege Nag!

I have fol­lowed VegeNag’s blog for awhile now and I’m thrilled that Alex (AKA: Veg­e­Nag) has agreed to post over here as our veg­etable gar­den­ing guru!  As the veg­etable gar­den­ing sea­son will soon be upon us, look for some posts from Alex that will help you get started grow­ing a tasty garden!

Alex spent sev­eral years learn­ing (some­times the hard way) all he could about veg­gie gar­den­ing in our chal­leng­ing Inter­moun­tain West cli­mate and devel­oped a great blog ded­i­cat­ing to help­ing the rest of us.  Alex will help you under­stand the tech­ni­cal details (like com­post, soil com­po­si­tion, etc.) that will improve your own har­vest.  Save your­self some time and exper­i­men­ta­tion and learn through him over at the Veg­e­Nag blog.

He has also devel­oped a lit­tle ser­vice called “Veg­e­Nag“.  For a nom­i­nal fee, you can sign up and receive infor­ma­tion about what and WHEN to plant the var­i­ous crops in your spe­cific area.  That’s right– he’ll NAG you at your request!

Alex has since desserted our desert for the lus­cious­ness that is the Pacific North­west but we’ll for­give him for that– as long as he’s will­ing to post pho­tos of all those things we’d LOVE to grow and can’t.  If Nate’s lucky, we’ll treat him to Utah Toma­toes in sea­son because that’s ONE veg­gie they can’t grow bet­ter in the PNW!

Related posts:

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Ahmed Has­san
“Joy in The Garden”


  1. Jen says:

    Way ta go! I’m excited about this. What a great idea to have Nate par­tic­i­pate. I’m excited to hear what he has to write!

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