Statsny Sculpture Gardens

Statsny Sculpture Gardens

Okay, Okay, I know I said this blog was for local gardens/ gar­den­ing but it’s Jan­u­ary and there is not a lot to see right now!  And so, for your view­ing plea­sure, we’ll post a few from OTHER places! I had the great gar­den­ing plea­sure of spend­ing 18 months as an “Ore­gon­ian”.  That green, happy   Continue…

Proven Winners Succulents

Proven Winners Succulents

Col­or­ful suc­cu­lents have been all the rage for awhile in Cal­i­for­nia.  And why not? The tex­ture, tone and tac­tile qual­i­ties are irre­sistable.  They are hardy plants in that winter-warm region but, sadly, most are sim­ply ten­der peren­ni­als here (unless you bring them in for the win­ter). Other than the har­di­ness issues, they are actu­ally excel­lent choices for con­tainer   Continue…

Highlights from the 2011 Utah Nursery and Landscape Show

Highlights from the 2011 Utah Nursery and Landscape Show

There are a few stand­outs I was excited to see in per­son and I’m shar­ing them here, com­plete with my non-professional, non-photoshopped pictures.
