Gardening Hub for the Beehive State

The pur­pose of this site is to pro­mote gar­den blogs/bloggers through­out Utah and the Inter­moun­tain West.  We hope it will serve to con­nect peo­ple of all lev­els of inter­est and expe­ri­ence with those who share their pas­sion.  Please be patient with me while I get the site up and run­ning– html is NOT this gardener’s strong suit!

Related posts:

Suc­cu­lent Green Wall
Hang­ing Air Plant Terarrium
Suc­cu­lent Pal­let Table


  1. Julie Wrigley says:

    I’m excited that you are doing this and I intend to fol­low it. I love gar­den­ing and I love the idea of being able to ask ques­tions and con­tribute my own com­ments and ideas on ocassion.

    p.s. we still have our lot in Her­ri­man that I talked to you about last year at the home show but are still on hold for build­ing for at least another year or two. When we get seri­ous, I’ll give you a call to help us with our land­scape plans.

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